30 September, 2009

Made in the Image of God

I realize that politics are taboo, and sometimes bills and amendments are a bit more muddy than we'll understand, but there is one thing that is crystal clear: Taking the lives of the innocent and defenseless simply cannot be justified. Our God is sovereign and He has declared mankind to be His prized creation, made in His image. It comes down to this: It's His choice. Not ours.
Hopefully things will change in America and a lot of much-needed healing will begin to take place.

John Piper's response to Barack Obama.

08 September, 2009

Public schools, taking risks & prayers for my son

I have no problems with home schooling. I have no problems with public schooling, either. I know the teachers that Jessica has worked with in the Mansfield ISD and they have ALL been incredible- no lie! They went to school for the very purpose of studying to become great teachers because they have a passion for teaching children. I would be excited for Hudson to have a teacher like any of them when he grows up. Not only that- but I feel like they all promote morality in their classrooms- in other words, their classrooms are not "Godless." So, here's a shout-out to all of Jessica's teacher-friends. THANK YOU!

And I think I would be fine if Jessica decided to home school- because I know she is a GREAT teacher. I am blogging about this because I have noticed that public schools have taken a HUGE hit lately. I hardly EVER hear anything good about public schools these days- especially from Christians. I told Jessica the other day that we have been closet-public-school-lovers for far too long. So- please hear me say that I have no problems with home schooling. For some children, it really may be what is best for them and their development. What I want to say is that I LOVE the idea of public schooling (for the most part) and I LOVE Mansfield ISD. That's my preface for what I want to say.

What I take issue with is when Christians want to home school because the public schools are not good at teaching their kids about God. My question- "Whose job is it to teach your kids about God?" I take issue with a mindset that says "It's too scary out there. Let's just play it safe." Why are we so insistent on running from darkness when God has told us to run to it with the Light?

I am praying BIG prayers for my son- that God would use him for His glory- that God would show Himself to be mighty on his behalf- that God would use Hudson to be a peace-bringer, joy-giver, loser-lover, defender of the weak, adventuresome boy with a voice that is as loud as it needs to be when the Gospel is silenced. Where the Gospel is squelched- that is where I want my son. I want him there so he can be a proud voice for his Loving Father and his Savior, Jesus Christ. After all, "How can they call on the One they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the One of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" Romans 10:14-15

The following video helps explain how I feel about this culture of comfort I see in the DFW area.