30 August, 2010

New blog to follow

My wife is a fantastic woman. I love love love her and I love who she is and I love everything she cooks and I love the way she snorts when she laughs really hard. I also love the way she blogs. Check it out- a new blog to follow: To Become Children of God.

23 August, 2010

108! Wha!!??

I know it's blurry, but please let me assist you:
108 degrees in Mansfield Texas.
73 degrees in Buena Vista Colorado.

14 August, 2010

Let's risk it all

What will it take to reach 4.5 billion people for Christ and to literally save 30,000 children from starvation? I think the church must start by being willing to do what the rich young ruler couldn't do.
Radical obedience + Radical sacrifice = Radical rewards.
The reward is seeing millions come to know Christ and to see thousands of children clothed and fed and to see the name of Christ worshipped by every tribe, tongue, and language. There is nothing greater. And there is no time to waste.

This is a clip from David Platt's message titled “Are we going to die in our religion or are we going to die in our devotion?”
You can watch it here or download it here.

12 August, 2010

Where's your youth group?

412CC has shy'd away from thinking "youth group" to thinking "minister to students." These links may clarify why we feel this way:

02 August, 2010

Get the word out . . .

I wish I were the one who had done this. Good stuff.