Only Jesus can make the worst day of your life the best day of your life.
Don't believe me?
Ask the woman from Samaria in John 4.
Essentially, here's what happened...
Location: A well-known water well outside of a town called Sychar. The woman who sleeps around approaches the well where Jesus is resting.
Jesus: Can I have a drink?
Woman: Seriously? Why are you talking to me? We shouldn't be talking like this.
Jesus: If you really knew who I was (God) you would understand that we need to talk. And if you listen to me, you will forever be changed.
Woman: Okay, let's get started.
Jesus: Well before we do that- go get your husband. He needs to hear this too.
Woman: I'm not married.
Jesus: You've got a point. You've only had 5 of them and the guy you're sleeping with now isn't your (or maybe it was "YOUR" emphasized) husband. Good point.
Woman: Whoa. How'd you do that?! It's clear that you're a holy man. Where can I go to get right with God?
Jesus: You can do that right here. Right now. God is everywhere. Just talk to Him.
Woman: I know that one day God will come and will make it clear to me how I can know Him.
Jesus: Lady, it won't get any clearer than this. I am God. Even someone like you can talk to me right here. Right now.
Woman: Holy water-well, Batman! Stay right here!
Jesus: (Smiles)
Woman: (runs into Sychar, where she has a terrible reputation) Everyone! Come meet a man who knows all of my junk- He said it out loud- and He still loves me! Can this really be God!?!? My worst day just became my best day!
Only when you admit that you are jacked up will you ever begin to grasp the love of God. Only when you admit your sin will you be able to be blown away by the love of a Holy God. Only Jesus can make your worst day your best day.
Will this be the best day of your life?
Romans 10:9-11