27 May, 2009

King Stanley the Great and I

I'm not going to flaunt this, but will simply tell the facts. I rescued a dog today. I named him King Stanley the Great. He stared death in the face on Matlock and Cooper Street at Pioneer Pkwy. I also stared death in the face when I followed him across Cooper in my vehicle. He is a good boy. He now resides in Arlington Animal Shelter. I believe that he will break out and come find me if it's fate. Or, if it's God's will.

12 May, 2009

Beloved Shirt

Today I am wearing my "Beloved" shirt from my sermon on Sunday. In case you missed it, God wants us to wake up in the morning and renew our minds to the truth that we are His Beloved. I don't have to go out and try to be lovable. I am loved. And so are you.

If you don't believe me, read Ephesians 2:4-5.

09 May, 2009


Keith Wigi sent this to me on Facebook. I had to share the love. It's packed full of truth. It's Grrrrrreat!

05 May, 2009

The perfect Latte

From our friends at ABC Coffee. This is the perfect Latte. I don't even like coffee but I think I would drink this. Thanks to Dr. Calvin Pearson for letting me take a picture of his latte. It was awkward, but i think all of you would agree that it was worth it.

04 May, 2009

Sunday morning's messenger

By the time I got to church on Sunday morning, I was rattled. I was so scatter-brained. To make a long story short, I experienced what I think a lot of families experience on Sunday morning- stress. When I got out of the car on Sunday morning, Jonathan (our worship pastor) was in the parking lot getting something out of his truck. I sighed and told him, "I'm not preaching this morning." He said, "I'm not either." I said, "Fine then. I'll do it."

Walking through the halls that morning, it was so weird trying to be a pastor when my psyche had been wrecked minutes earlier. When people asked me how I was, trying not to be two-faced, I responded, "Scatter-brained." That was true. But if someone would have said, "Hey Kyle, are you ready to preach? Are you pumped?" I would have had to lie and said "Absolutely."

But then it happened. I believe God sent a messenger to me right before the service started. "Hey Kyle, I don't know if anyone has told you this before, but I just want to say 'Thank you.'"
"For what?"
"For all that you guys do. I love this church. I have never liked church and I haven't been to church in over 20 years. I've never been religious, really. But I feel so free right now. I feel like I can have a relationship with God. I feel accepted by God. Thank you."

Needless to say, it put me in my place. I decided that there was nothing I would rather do than what I was about to do- deliver a message of hope to the people of God.

God is always on time. I love the way that God will always deliver His timely message- to his messengers and through his messengers. Have you ever been there? Just when you needed a bail-out, a fresh message, an encouraging word- God brought the noise and revived your soul...