13 November, 2009

Act like a cat...

When I was a student at UTA (University of Texas Almost), I took a class called "Oral Interpretation." In this class it was expected of all the students to memorize a rear-end-load of literature and eventually recite/perform it back to the class as if we were the author or main character of the piece. 10-15 minutes worth of monologue is A LOT of memorization. My professor told us that if we were to forget our lines, then we should just keep going- act like it's all in the plan. She summed up her advice by saying, "Basically, act like a cat. When a cat runs into a wall, they just keep going and act like they meant to do that."
While I was preaching on Sunday, I took her advice. During my sermon on Sunday, I was reading a James Dobson interview with Ted Bundy (16 hours before Bundy went to the electric chair). I came upon the word "succumb" and mispronounced it horribly. Instead of placing the emphasis on the 2nd syllable to say "suh-kuhm" I placed the emphasis on the first syllable to say "suck-uhm." I immediately knew that I mispronounced it. I decided not to look up and see spouses leaning over and whispering and giggling like little kids. I acted like a cat. I was hoping no one would notice. But I was reminded in my Life Group on Sunday night that my cat-like reflexes were not very good.
I was also reminded that last Sunday I mispronounced another word while I was reading Revelation 12. The word was "scepter" and I read "skepter." I knew that it was wrong when it came out of my mouth, but I kept on going. It was glorious.

While we're at it- if you have heard me say anything else that needs to be exhumed or brought out into the light, leave it here and laugh it up.


  1. Poor Kyle. . .for the record, I didn't hear the succumb! :) You're awesome!

  2. The story where you tell a kid to take his Jacket Off is one of my favorites of all time. That's my favorite miscommunication story ever.
