10 March, 2010

A Conversation between blind people...

I couldn't help but chuckle a little bit when I read this article... up until I realized that these "Christians" are more concerned for their pets after the rapture than they are for the person who will be taking care of them.
Imagine the conversation. Essentially it will go something like this:
"Are you sure you're an atheist?"
"How can I be sure?"
"Well, I think you are an idiot and God definitely does not exist."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes! Are you kidding? You guys are nuts!"
"Okay, good. Then take good care of Scruffy when the rapture happens. (I'll be gone and you'll still be here). He likes to eat Fancy Feast Dog Food and I like to give him a treat every night before bed."
"You got it. Have a nice day."
"Thanks. You too."
Win-win-win situation.

The blind talking to the blind.

Don't believe me? Here it is:
Christ died for more than this...

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