31 March, 2010

Sometimes I wonder about Jesus

- I wonder what His conversations with God were like when He was 4 years old. I wonder how much Mary and Joseph must have laughed at their little bundle of joy and energy behind closed doors at their house when he was a little guy.
- I wonder who his best friends were when he was a teenager and if they ever thought he was "a little odd." I wonder if there was a point when they decided not to like Him. Or if their parents warned their kids to stay away from Jesus- He was too dangerous.
- I wonder what Jesus thought about when He laid down at night and drifted off to sleep. I wonder what He dreamed about. Did He have nightmares about His future? I wonder if He dreamed about Heaven.
- I think about how it must have been obvious that He had so much love in His heart when he hung out with his buddies. I wonder how Jesus would have responded and how his body language must have changed when his buddies would sin (against Him!).
- I wonder how teenagers today could live like the teenager that Jesus was.
- I wonder how often Jesus went out of his way to specifically tell people "I love you."
- I wonder how old Jesus was when people who were staring Him in the face started wondering "Is that man, or is that God talking?"
- Was He a 15 year-old causing people behind closed doors to ask "Seriously, who is that kid?"?
- I wonder if Jesus would have ever hung out with me. I wonder, had I been alive then, if I would have wanted to hang out with Him.
- I wonder if there were certain children who knew Jesus well and saw Him as kind of their "God-father." I wonder if they ran to Him when they would see Him. I wonder if they ever tackled Him with big hugs or covered his eyes from behind and played the "Guess who?" game. And I wonder if He always got it right.
- I wonder if the children who loved Jesus understood what happened to Him when He was suddenly gone. Mere babes trying to figure out where Jesus went . . . And I wonder how their moms and dads tried to explain to their children why Jesus was arrested and "went to heaven."
- I wonder what they thought when they gathered with Him the day that He ascended back into Heaven.
- I wonder if there were any who followed Jesus from a distance for months who decided that He was not legit. I wonder if they second-guessed themselves even when they were old, gray, and wrinkly.
- I wonder if the blind man who received the gift of sight followed Jesus long enough to lay his eyes on the mangled body of Jesus.
- I wonder what it would have been like to be the son of one of the guys that met Jesus on the Road to Emmaus (Luke 24)- sitting in the living room listening to him speak with tears about the time that Jesus walked and talked with them. I wonder if his non-verbals and the fire in his eyes would carry me to that special road and that special conversation that he had with Jesus. I wonder if Hudson will ever be able to see the same fire in my eyes that I imagine those 2 guys had after meeting Jesus.
- I wonder what it would have been like to walk into the empty tomb while it was still early in the morning on that day, wipe the sleep from my eyes, and lose my breath.

When your heart beats faster when you think of Jesus, that means something. This is what it means to truly be alive.

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